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Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável para as Zonas Costeiras

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Aprendizagem Sobre Mangais
Programas RESILIM
Aprendizagem Sobre Mangais

The RESILIM program

The RESILIM program aims to improve the cross-border management of the Limpopo River basin and to improve the resilience of people and ecosystems.

The RESILIM program aims to improve the cross-border management of the Limpopo River basin and to improve the resilience of people and ecosystems.
RESILIM’s activities and initiatives focus on the relationships between climate change, biodiversity, water and livelihoods.
1. Biodiversity Conservation
RESILIM aims to:
Improve biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of sensitive ecosystems
Improve natural resource management practices to mitigate threats to biodiversity
Improve the ecological integrity and resilience of priority conservation areas and integration of climate change aspects into biodiversity conservation plans for good management of basin water and other natural resources.
2. Climate Change
RESILIM aims to:
Reducing vulnerability to climate change in basin communities and ecosystems
Promote science and technology to support and improve decision-making capacity and strategic development for adaptation to climate change
Improve water conservation and management by addressing negative impacts of climate change
Increase the knowledge and awareness of politicians and other decision makers in order to integrate climate change adaptation strategies into long-term plans.
3. Water
RESILIM supports:
The implementation of water quality and project demand management
Helps improve knowledge about managing ecological flows.
4. Modes of subsistence
RESLIMI works:
In coordination with local governmental and nongovernmental organizations to improve and diversify livelihoods to raise community awareness in the context of climate change impacts through the creation of income generation alternatives based on conservation and sustainable use Of natural resources.
Support to the Management of Natural Resources in the Limpopo River Estuary
RESILIM worked in partnership with the Center for Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas (CDSZC) in its Mangrove Restoration Program in the Limpopo River Estuary, Xai-Xai District, and Southern Mozambique (within RAA 8).
In the third year RESILIM made the economic and environmental assessment for mangrove reforestation sustainability, mapped the Limpopo River estuary mangrove, improved the mangrove nursery, developed a communication strategy, including communication material for schools and supported Plantation of about 100,000 mangrove seedlings in about 20 hectares of degraded area.
In 2017 it supported the planting of over 100,000 mangrove seedlings and RESILIM is consolidating its work in this area by supporting CDSZC in establishing a Mangrove Learning Center and implementing the communication strategy developed in phase 1 to ensure the Awareness of the importance of the mangrove ecosystem to the local community as a livelihood.
For the sustainability of the program, RESILIM has improved the technical capacity of the CDSZC to seek financing for continuity of mangrove rehabilitation in the long term through the training of its technicians in project design.

CDSZC and RESILIM Partnership

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